Ouka Leele, Photographer WORLD

Ouka Leele

  1. Biography.
Bárbara Allende Gil de Biedma, known by her stage name Ouka Leele, was born
in Madrid on June 29, 1957.
He spent her childhood between Madrid and San Rafael, coming to have an
admiration for nature. Later she began to draw and paint, also to read art books,
and some time later in the Prado Museum she was attracted by the colors of the
cloth in various works.
After several years in a painting school, in 1976 a colleague advised her to enter a
photography school, called Photocentro.
With not much time between his two favorite hobbies, drawing and painting, they
merged, creating his personal style. All these characteristics made it possible for
her to be called the artist of impossible colors. 
In 1981 she returned to Madrid after a few trips abroad, but she fell ill with
cancer and decided to stay. For his fortune he manages to overcome cancer, that
is why in his following works her passion and love for life are reflected. 
Her artistic name have a origin in a painter's work “ El Hortelano” in which
appeared a star with the name of Ouka Leele. Barbara liked this name and she
decided to sing her Works with this name 
In 2012 she did his short "Pour quoi?".
In now a days she is alive and doing her hobbies like a habit

  1. Most recognized works

2.1  Peluquería.

2.2  Naturaleza viva, naturaleza muerta.

2.3  Floraleza

2.4  Mi jardín metafísico
  1. Awards
  • Ayuda para artistas jóvenes del Ministerio de Cultura (1982)
  • Premio Ícaro de Artes Plásticas de Diario 16 (1983) 
  • Premio de Cultura de la Comunidad de Madrid. Sección fotografía (2003)
  • Premio Nacional de Fotografía (2005)
  • III Premio Nacional de Fotografía Piedad Isla de la Diputación Provincial
de Palencia,2012

  • Medalla de plata de la Comunidad de Madrid, 2012

  1. The meaning of hers works
     In her own words, Ouka Leele understands photography as "visual poetry, a way of speaking
without using words."
     But his works, speaking from an objective position, have a somewhat more superficial
meaning for us, since the colors are highly highlighted in a lively and cheerful way. Although it
can also represent other objects of reality.

  1. Some links

Thanks for your attention

Made by Adrián Pérez Mingorance y Juan Martínez García de 1ºBto C
